View looking north west from top of condensate splitter column. The land behind the two fired heaters will be used for the future phase II Aromatics Plant.

View looking north-east. In foreground area the two fired heaters (precut column reboiler and condensate splitter feed heater).

View looking north-west. Pipe rack in foreground carries the relief header pipe to the flare.

Condensate splitter column.

Night view of facility from the LPG sphere area looking south. Utility area in foreground and process area in the background.

Looking west at the facility. In lower right corner is the control room and laboratory building.

Looking west down the main pipe rack of the process unit. On the right is the precut column. On the left is the condensate splitter. In background are the debutanizer (right) and heater stack (left).

Looking west across a fish pond toward the process plant. In the middle are the administration building and change house.

Looking north-west across a fish pond toward the process plant. Warehouse building is on the right.

Looking north at the process unit.

Feed preheat shell and tube exchangers and condensate splitter. Splitter column looking north-west.

Looking north-west across plant fire water reservoir toward process unit. Column on the right is the precut column. Column in the center is the condensate splitter, and the fired heaters are on the left.

Night view looking north-west across the firewater reservoir.

Plant from outside the main gate looking north-west.

Product pipelines and LPG sphere.

View looking south-west toward the utility area from the tank farm. At right is the sleeper way containing product rundown lines and product pipelines to the multiple buoy mooring.